When I first started to read about finches I kept hearing
about something called "Egg Food". I found many different
ways that people made it for their birds. This is the
mixture that I have found works best for my birds: (Note:
if you want to keep things simple, you could just use a
commercial egg food product fed at the intervals I suggest.)
Hard boil two eggs. After they are cool, peel them and
grate the eggs. I microwave the shell fragments on high for 60
seconds to make sure they are sterile, and then I grate
them up into the grated eggs. To this mixture add 3
teaspoons of corn meal and 6 teaspoons of wheat germ and mix
by hand until the entire batch is thoroughly mixed.
This basic egg food mixture can be refrigerated for about 3
days. I then add my basic egg food to a commercial egg
food: I use a "one to one" mix of ORLUX "British Finch Egg
Food" with my egg food as the basic egg food for my Zebra and
Society finches. I use a "one to one" mix of "Goldy Egg
Food" and my egg food as the basic egg food for my Gouldian, Owl
and Blue Cap Cordon Bleu finches. I mix the two types of
egg food as I am preparing the dishes to go into the cages. The
egg food should be spread thinly on the feeder, and should be
removed and any remainder discarded after two hours.
Feed once a day, about 1/2 Teaspoon per bird. Just
before putting the dishes in the cages, I LIGHTLY sprinkle the
food with a supplement. I alternate, one day using "Feather Up"
and the other day using "Daily Essentials 3".
When finches are feeding nestlings or fledglings, or for the
fledglings or nestlings eating on their own for the first three
Twice a day, about 1/2 Teaspoon per bird, counting all
nestlings and fledglings. I alternate the supplement with
each feeding, so the birds are getting a dose of both
supplements every day. After three weeks I go to once a
day for about a week or two, and then every other day for a week
or two, and then to normal feeding. Additionally, from the
time of breeding to three weeks after the fledglings are weaned
I also lightly sprinkle each dish with Petamine Nestling Formula
or Lafeber's Premium Daily Diet for Finches.
Feed once a week, about 1/2 Teaspoon per bird.
Alternate supplements as before.