Welcome to my Finch and Softbill pages!
I hope you enjoy my finch pages. There are many
excellent, comprehensive web pages on the web about finches.
My intent in putting together these pages was to aim at giving
the novice finch fancier some information. This site
is deliberately aimed at beginners. However, I hope all
will take a look and enjoy the photos on the site.
12 August 2007: we added a new "photo gallery" section
to the website, where we will post our latest photos of birds in
our flock. |
Birds are something I have always enjoyed but I never really got
involved with breeding them until about two years ago. For
Valentines Day my husband gave me a pair of pied zebras. Little
did he know what he was starting! I have found that owning
finches is a lot like eating chocolates – I can’t stop at just one. I
am by no means an expert but I have learned and am still
learning a lot about finches. I just want to share what I have
learned with others. Also, I hope to encourage others to share
in the joy of these wonderful birds. |
The bird on the left is
a normal grey zebra finch, and the one on the right is a black
cheeked grey zebra finch (normally just referred to as a "black
cheek"). Note the red beaks, which are another
characteristic of male Zebra finches
Orange faced, White breasted Yellow backed Gouldian finch (Male) with Orange faced, Purple breasted Normal Back Gouldian
finch (Female)
I have organized this site into areas for each of the different
types of finches which I own or breed. I have also provided a
list of links to other sites which I have found to be very
I recently started a
blog: I am not really sure how it will work with these
pages and my knitting pages but I am giving it a try. To
go to my blog use this address:
Finch Organizations
There are many organizations and information sources dedicated
to aviculture of finches and softbills. I am a member of the
The NFSS sponsors finch and softbill shows throughout the United
States. Its members raise a wide variety of finches and
softbills. The ASFS is a new organization, also dedicated
to varieties of finches and softbills, which is just
starting to sponsor shows. The Zebrafinch-USA Society is dedicated exclusively
to Zebra and Society Finches. The NEFSC specializes in
Zebra, Society and Gouldian Finches. There are also many discussion
groups about various finch breeds on the web. I am an active
member of the following groups on
- All About
- Owl Finch
- Zebra
Finch Group
- Northeast
Finch Specialty Group
- American
Softbill and Finch Society Group
A word
about the pictures on our site
Unless otherwise indicated, all of the photos on this site
are photos which we have taken of our birds. These photos
are copyrighted by us (Bill and Tina Kroshl) and are so marked.
We authorize private noncommercial use of these photos (you
could print them out and use them yourself, if you wished), but
if you intend to publish them (either on the Worldwide Web or in
print) or use them for any commercial purpose we ask that you obtain our permission first. You
can reach us by email by using the "mail bird" icon at the
bottom of each web page. Thank you.
I usually show some of my
finches at the two Baltimore area bird shows with
finch divisions: The Baltimore All Canary
Club Show and The Baltimore Bird Fancier's Club Show. |
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