This page will be the first place that we will post new photos
of members of our flock. As time goes by we shall move
some of these photos onto other sections of the website, but the
newest photos will be placed here first. I have reduced
these photos in size and resolution so that the page loads
easily. I keep my higher resolution photos online at our
page. |
Photos Posted on Nov 19, 2007 |
Another shot of Jupiter and Sweet Pea. They are real
"hams" and love to pose! |
A photo of our two newest flock members: they are
about 5 -7 days old in this photo. Both are CCFW's. |
Photos Posted on Sept 3, 2007 |
One of the three finches from our latest clutch. |
Another one from our latest clutch. |
The last one from the new clutch: proof positive that
her father is a Black Cheek that is split to CCFW! |
Photos posted on August 11, 2007 |
One of our first crested society finches. He is about 1
year old in this picture. This bird's father is pictured
immediately to the right. |
The male crested society that began our little flock of crested
society finches. |
A red headed Gouldian Finch. |
An orange headed Gouldian Finch. This picture was taken
after his first adult molt. |
Another view of the orange headed Gouldian Finch above and to
the right. Although his colors are beautiful, his crooked
tail effectively eliminates him from competition. |
This is another orange headed Gouldian. This is his first
adult molt also. So far he is the only normal back
gouldian from three clutches his father as produced. |
This gouldian is from the same clutch as the gouldian on the
right in the row just above. |
Perseus, our second generation
Black Cheek who we just discovered is split to CCFW. His
latest clutch included a CCFW hen. |
Another view of Perseus. |
This is Jupiter, who is the patriarch of
our line of Chestnut
Flanked white zebra finches. He is split RCFW & CCFW.
We currently have four generations of CCFW's that can be traced
back to him. |
Another shot of Jupiter. |
This pair, Jupiter and Sweet Pea,
were the start of my lines of Chest Flanked white zebra finches.
Sweet Pea is also split to Black Cheek: Perseus, who was
pictured previously is her son with a different male. |
This photo shows the comparison
of tear drop between the male and female CFW. |
Another shot of Sweet Pea.
She is three years old and up until recently one of my best
parents. For some reason she has started tossing all her
eggs. |
This CFW male is named Ward.
He was from Jupiter and Sweet Pea's first clutch. His wing
is tipped slightly from when his closed band got caught in the
cage. |
Another view of Ward. He
got is name because he and his first mate were such good parents
we called them Ward and June. |
For more technical information and
hints about taking pictures of finches please click on
camera icon at the left |