Why do I show finches?
The first time I exhibited one of my birds at a show it was
because I was reading about a pending local show in one of the
online finch groups and everyone was getting excited about it.
I decided that I wanted to join in the fun, and started off
showing three of my best zebras.
Well, one of my zebra finches came in third in section (all
the zebra finches) and naturally I was excited. However,
what was even more exciting was what I learned sitting there
watching the judging and talking to other exhibitors. I
was hooked, and have shown finches at all our local shows ever
since. My next step is traveling a greater distance to a
show. I haven't done that yet, but it is not far off. |
How do I find out about local finch shows?
The best ways are through a local bird club. The shows
are generally sponsored by a local club. Don't just look
for finch clubs: often club shows will have a finch
division. For example, our local Canary Club has a finch
division every year. Other good sources are to check the
sites of finch organizations such as the
Finch and Softbill Society (NFSS), or the
American Softbill and Finch Society
. Poke around the web with your favorite search tool and
you will find some shows and bird clubs close by you. |
What do I need to get started?
You need a finch and a show cage with a water cup. A
show cage is a small cage that can comfortably hold one or two
finches. There are several different kinds available from
a variety of sources. You will see pictures of show cages
on this web page. Most exhibitors paint the outside of
their cages black and the inside a light blue, but you can also
leave them white. Sometimes a white cages shows off a dark
bird in more detail. If you can't find show cages at your
local bird show, you can obtain them from Abba Seed. The
Finch and Softbill Society (NFSS) website also
has a link to a source for show cages.
Do not mark your cage with your name or any other distinctive
manner: the names of the exhibitor are only revealed to
everyone (including the judge) after the judging is complete.
What should I expect at the show?
When you arrive at the show you will have to "tag" your cages
with the appropriate Division, Section and Class. These
vary by the age of the birds (less than one year or more than
one year), the type of bird (zebra finch, society finch, etc)
and the mutation. You should know that any bird without a
closed year color coded band is considered more than a year old.
The actual division of classes and sections varies by the
organization sponsoring the show, but you will receive that
information at the time of registration. Once there you register
your birds, tag the cages, and pay your cage fee (it varies by
show, but typically is around $3 to $5 per bird. Some
shows will cap your cage fees after you have registered 15 birds,
but again that varies by show.) you just sit back and
watch the judging. A number of the judges we have seen are
extremely informative, talking about each bird and pointing out
it good points and its faults.
After the birds are judged in their classes (for example, all
Chestnut Flanked White Zebra Finches) the winners of each class
are then judged by their section (all Zebra Finches, for
example). Finally, the top ten (or in a large show, the
top twenty) birds are chosen from the winning birds in each
section. After all the results are complete the names of
the exhibitor for each of the top birds is revealed. Here is a
photo of some finches waiting behind the bench for their classes
to be called:

You can see the tags hanging on the left side of the cage.
Each bird has a supply of water and a supply of seed (often the
seed is just scattered on the floor of the cage). As you
can see, some of the cages were left white, and others were
painted black with a blue interior. |
Bench Results for our flock
Maryland All Canary Club Fall Show, Finch division, on
October 6, 2007
We exhibited six cages at this show: a pair of CCFW
Zebrafinches, three Gouldian Finches, one Normal Grey Zebrafinch
and one Lightback Zebrafinch. Based on the results, it
wasn't a great show for us (we didn't have any place in the top
ten) but it was a good learning experience: we learned
some important points on conditioning. (Watch out for next
year!) The finch division was very well represented, with
86 entries in the division. Here is a photo of the top ten
birds in the division:

Baltimore Bird Fancier's Spring Show 2007
We did not show any birds at this show this year.
Unfortunately, we had a major schedule conflict. We took
some time off in late spring to travel to Florida and attend our
oldest daughter's graduation from Medical School. This was
a once in a lifetime event, and so the spring bird shows will
have to rest until next year. |
Maryland All Canary Club Fall Show, October 7, 2006
Between Mark and I, we entered nine cages in the finch
division. Mark's Light Back Zebra finch beat all my
finches again! He won First Place in the Finch Division,
First Place for a Novice exhibitor, and of course First Place in
Class and Section. Pretty good for his third finch show!
Mark also exhibited another Light Back Zebra Finch (the son of
his first place bird) which took Eighth place in the division.
I exhibited a pair of Continental Chestnut Flanked White
Zebra Finches which took Sixth Place in the Division. It
was my first time exhibiting pairs. I exhibited two
Gouldian Finches which took Seventh and Tenth place in the
division. |

Mark receives his First Place trophy from the
judge. |

You can just see his Light Back peeking out
from behind all the blue ribbons! |

My pair of Continental Chestnut Flanked White Zebra Finches |

My Red Headed Gouldian |

Mark's other Light Back Zebra Finch |

My White Breasted Gouldian |
Baltimore Bird Fancier's Spring Show, May 20, 2006
My son Mark (age 15) exhibited a Light Back Zebra Finch which
placed 4th best in the Finch Division (also first in class and
section). He also won for best youth exhibitor in the
Finch Division. |

Mark's Light Back on the bench after the show. |